
I woke up slightly late, and drove to work listening to some good old Tom Waits.

I had a pretty average day at school, sometimes loosing my patience just to start laughing two minutes later when I realize the kid who wont hold still is so actually really funny, and that I know exactly how he feels.

I went to lunch with two way great friends, one who told me that I can now have one of the six posters under her bed of 7 years in Tibet (really good news). The other is always my go-to-guy, one of my closest friends, who dresses better then I ever will.

After school I laughed with our secretary and a few kids about cryptozoology (apparently its not a word but people can study it in college).

I went to the dark room to visit Ashlee, had some cake and talked peetchas. Always good. Then I came home, to some much needed alone time, talked to my sweet mom, watched a movie, worked on grades and I am now settling down to read a book one of my students recommended.

See? Good life.