My favorite Christmas present.

We just had our first Christmas together. I cant even begin to explain how special this Christmas was for me. I felt so at home with my sweet husband, even though I was far from my own family. Its amazing how much I love his family- and how grateful I am to have them. It was a Christmas full of tradition, snow, happiness, decorations, home cooked food, love and I cherished every moment of it side by side with the person I love the most in this world. 

I feel so lucky to be the girl married to Blake. When we were engaged, I met a bunch of Blake's best friends and their wives all at once (whom I sincerely love now). One of the husbands said, "Great, now that Blake is married we can all give up- He is going to make the rest of us husbands look bad". I dont think I did anything more then any girl to deserve the loving husband I have. I also dont think other people aren't amazingly happy- but I truly feel like the luckiest person and I think everyone should get the chance to feel like that.