Virginia Beach | Family History Story
A while ago, I did a family history story of my late great grandmother Oleta Mundis and her home of Savannah, GA.* I was telling my friend Brittany about how much I really want to be doing these stories for other people when she told me she was headed to Virginia Beach in the next few weeks to visit her family. She told me that her Grandma Jane was getting ready to sell her beach house that they have had for years and years and what a hard decision this has been for her. It was one of those moments where the stars alined. Next thing I knew I was in Virginia Beach meeting Brittany's wonderful step mother, Bonnie (Jane's daughter) and family. I was so enchanted with Virginia Beach, their home, their neighborhood, and their stories.
This family truly is the "more the merrier" type. With a door that is always open, their homes are filled with love, positive energy, acceptance, and good food. I hope to have a home like theirs, where the love and focus is not on the furniture and decor, albeit beautiful, but on the company.
If you or anyone you know has an idea for a family history story, no matter what it is (even a car lot), shoot me an email. These projects really fill my heart. I would love to photograph any thing, any place, any one that is special to you. Lets document your family history. Now, before we are scrambling to hold on to it in the future.