An update, a hello and some footie pajamas.
It has been since 2016 since I updated this little space for my photography. I actually was just looking for an old shoot and it made me really want to start archiving favorites here again. I will probably add a little more personal in as well since my babies have become my main focus over the years. In 2016, my oldest son, Kent, was born and in 2018 Freddy Bear. Since we have left Chicago we have lived in Rhode Island, Florida, Washington State and are now in Maryland just outside of DC.
Here are some old pictures of our little family on a day trip from our Washington home to Cape Flattery in 2019. Over the years I have put down my camera less and less to be present with my family. I am noticing that although being more present has been good to me and my family, I am remembering how much photographing things helps me to appreciate the beauty around me and notice what a beautiful life I have. As long as the picture taking doesn’t take over the moment, it can really add to the experience for me.
Blake with Kent in the backpack- he looks so little to me here! He just started Kindergarten and his legs are so long compared to this! Breaks my heart a little.