Sat by the ivory sail.

We met. We fell in love.

We could talk for ever, and laugh at nothing.

and everything. Something and anything, then nothing again.

He became my best friend instantly. Not because I am something special, but because he is. I bet everyone feels like he is their best friend. Because he probably is. Our relationship is what I have always hoped for, and he was more then worth the wait. He was the whole reason for everything. I am the luckiest girl, and I really feel that way.

You would too, if he loved you.

These days, not a day goes by I don't thank my Father in Heaven, deeply thank him, for sending me such a special person to be my husband. I have fallen in and out of love a lot. But I have never wanted to choose someone the way I have wanted to choose him.

Here is what I love; after I chose him, and he chose me, we only have fallen in love more. Yes, yes, I know we have been together a short time. But growth is relative. I will stand by that. Now I will.

Best part of it all?

He feels it too.
